Halo Alpha
Halo Alpha


Quick Reload is a button combo present in Halo 2. It allows a player to instantaneously reload their weapon with almost no animation. It is executed by pressing X+Y+Y.

After a certain time in a reload animation, the weapons are reloaded. However, this combo allows players to speed up the reload animation and almost immediately fire their weapon again. More specifically, pressing Y switches weapons and cancels the reload animation; double-tapping the button switches from and then back to the current weapon. This also works to cancel out the Energy Sword's "reload time," since there is a delay after a sword lunge.

Players lacking a secondary weapon can use the combination X+B+X. The combination works similarly in such an instance, with B (melee) canceling the reload animation and the second X press canceling the melee. B should be pressed just as a new magazine or clip has been inserted into the player's weapon.
