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Many call this curious gorge their grave, but early inhabitants left only these outposts behind in memoriam.[1]

Hemorrhage is a map variant of Forge World. It is a remake of Blood Gulch from Halo: Combat Evolved with specific elements from Halo 2's Coagulation built into the Canyon.[1] Specifically, the bases are ported from Blood Gulch, while the terrain is a direct port from Halo 2's Coagulation, scaled to match Halo: Reach.

Hemorrhage is featured in the Team Slayer, Team Objective, Multi Team, Big Team Battle, Doubles Arena, and Team Arena playlists.


The canyon has two bases: Red Base and Blue Base. Red Base is the further inland base and Blue Base is near the beach. To the right of Red Base and up a hill a little, there is the entrance to the cave with water in it. The other exit to that cave leads to the exit of Red Base's teleporter. You can follow the path up another cliff into a small tunnel that leads to another cliff that overlooks Blue Base. To the left of Red Base is the sniping cliff that then leads to Blue Base's teleporter and an overview of Blue Base. The middle of the map is very hilly and the lowest points are filled with water. There are also rock formations that are scattered around that can act as cover. Behind Red Base is a large open hill that leads to a Forerunner wall.


In order to survive in this deadly environment, you're going to need all the weapons you can get. From the caves of Hemorrhage to your own base, you can find the locations of all the weapons on this map here.

  • Needle Rifle: In the red base, it's at the north end of the the roof. At the blue base, it's at the south end.
  • Plasma Repeater: The Plasma Repeaters are found in the center of each base, on the bottom floor.
  • DMR: Each base has a DMR on the roof. The red base has one on the east side, and the blue base has one on the west side.
  • Magnum: You can find a Magnum in the center of each base, on the bottom floor.
  • Sniper Rifle: When you get to the top of your base, the Rifle is leaning on one of the pillars. In the blue base, it's by one of the northern pillars, and in the red base, it's by one of the south pillars.
  • Shotgun: Both of the Shotguns on the map are on the eastern side of the valley. There is a cluster of tall rocks nearby each base. At the center of each group of rocks is a Shotgun.
  • Plasma Launcher: In the middle of the map, there are three rocks that stick out of the ground. The Plasma Launcher is at the center of the rocks.
  • Concussion Rifle: The first Concussion Rifle is along a ridgline on the west side of the valley, and can be reached by following the path set into the western cliff. The second Rifle is reached by following the path along the eastern cliff, and up onto the ridge near the red base.
  • Needler: One of the Needlers on the map is right next to a large hole below the ridge in the western cliff. The other is in the middle of four large rocks. These rocks are next to the eastern cliff, near where the blue base teleport receiver is.
  • Frag Grenade: Both bases have a pair of Frag Grenades on the roof, opposite the teleporter.
  • Plasma Grenade: Two Plasma Grenades can be found on the eastern ridge near the red base. The other pair is on the ridgeline to the southwest, on the southern side of the cave there.


Because of the unique shape of this map, many players find using vehicles to be a clear path to victory. But beware! Although vehicles play a vital part in many strategies, remember that your enemies will know the uses of their vehicles just as much as you do.

  • Falcon: Although this vehicle will not appear in all game types, you may still find one on the southern side of the blue base, and one on the northern side of the red base.
  • Revenant: Each base comes with a Revenant, and both of them are next to a pair of Warthogs. If you're at your base, facing the other base, then both the Warthogs and the Revenant should be on the right side of your base.
  • Warthogs: Like I said before, both Warthogs will be on the right hand side of your base if you are facing the base opposite.
  • Wraith: You can find a Wraith at either base in Hemorrhage. The blue base Wraith is to the west of the base, and the other Wraith is on the eastern side of the red base.
  • Mongoose: There is a pair of Mongooses assigned to each base, and both sets can be found nearby the walkway to the top of the base. There are two walkways, but the Mongooses are on the opposite side of the base from the Warthogs.
  • Ghost: Similar to the positioning of the Revenant and the Hogs, both bases have a Ghost sitting right behind the pair of Mongooses.


As there are no flying vehicles on this map (save some game types), many people find that the fastest way to travel in this deadly canyon is by Covenant vehicle. As everyone knows, Covenant craft are equipped with a speed boost that can help you make an escape or turn your vehicle into a ballistic missile. You can use them in this case to get from one side of the valley to the other in a matter of seconds.

To the right of the red base, by the flooded cave, it is possible to climb up the mountain without any armor abilities, useful in games such as Slayer Pro and Invasion slayer, where you don't have jetpack. Climb up the first big rock, then on the cliff, a thin rock can be seen jutting out. Jump to it, and walk along the wall. Jump up to the next big rock, and then walk up the steep narrow path. You will find yourself on a long, flat cliff. Since you are very well hidden, you can bring the sniper rifle up with you and snipe as many enemies as your ammo clip will allow. Even if you are found, enemies will keep trying, and failing, to climb the cliff, constantly falling and sliding back down. Use this to your advantage, and kill them with whatever weapon you brought up as your secondary. Just beware of any grenades they throw up there!

On the cliff mentioned above, if you bring a grenade and sprint, you can grenade-sprint-jump up the slope to the right. Walk down slowly, and once on the grass, you will be greeted by a 10-second kill timer. Make your way to the walls as fast as you can, and drop down on the opposite side. You will take enough fall damage to drop your shields and a bit of health, but you will live. Once at the bottom, hug the wall, there is no 10-second kill timer there. Congratulations! You have just found the best hiding spot on Hemorrhage! Just remember, you cannot kill any enemies here, unlike you could on the sniping cliff. This spot is usually only used for the kinds of players that like to take the lead by a point or two, and hide the rest of the game, resulting in a win. (Your enemies cannot kill what they cannot see.)

In CTF a few teams will pile Warthogs, Mongooses, and Ghosts onto the flag to protect it. A few grenades are the perfect solution to this.

Changes from Blood Gulch and Coagulation

  • The rock wall behind blue base has been removed, instead, there is a view into a large lake. The same is true for part of the rock wall behind the other base.
  • Red base also has a rock wall replaced with a Forerunner wall, which blocks off where the sniper nest used to be.
  • The terrain is exactly copied from Coagulation but some of the rocks were added with forge.
  • Unlike the rest of the map, the bases are based off of Blood Gulch's, but the alcoves in the main room are gone.
  • There are now puddles of water in the center of the map.
  • Instead of the orange and green of the original two maps, the color scheme has been changed to green and brown.


  • The name Hemorrhage is the third reference to blood in the Blood Gulch line of multiplayer maps (the other two being Blood Gulch and Coagulation).
  • There is a glitch on this level that makes grass appear inside the red base. This may, however, be due to the placement of the bases in their current position on the blank Forge World map, given that this was the method used to construct the bases.
  • The canyon itself seems to be based on Coagulation, the terrain type is that of Valhalla (without the flowing river), while the bases themselves are those of Blood Gulch.
  • This was used as the Red vs Blue's Halo: Reach introduction.[2]
  • The description contains the words "this curious gorge" This is a reference to the Halo 3 map, Valhalla, which is another map loosely based off Blood Gulch.
  • If you use the orange FX filter on Hemorrhage, you can get a similar color to Blood Gulch on the ground.
  • Red vs Blue has an explanation why the map became more natural. One of the red team members had forgotten to turn off the sprinkler. That also explains the water puddles.
  • Hemorrhage replaces Blood Gulch from Halo: Combat Evolved, as it is a re-skinned version of Blood Gulch.


