Halo Alpha
Halo Alpha

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Concept08 8 1280

Arctic Beast.

The Tusk Beast, or chaefka, also known as neldoruut to ancient humanity, is a mammalian creature with long white fur and large horns curving around its head and back. It had the ability to give off pheromones with psychotropic effects.[1]


  • The Tusk Beast first appeared in the concept art for Halo Wars. It was possibly meant to wander a map, and attack anything it found.[citation needed]

Deleted Material[]

Arctic Beast is part of the Deleted Material cut from the Halo games.

While developing the Halo games, Bungie, 343 Industries and Ensemble Studios have had to cut some content, such as vehicles, gameplay, and story elements, from the final products. Much of this content has been confirmed by videos and commentary in special edition DVDs, interviews with developers, and released concept art.

